Well I will say frankly that this is not something I expected - David and the team: a good job. Pierdolniecie was.
Chamlety I walked on the expectation that they will learn something, I notice some mistakes, I find out what Avoid - it turned out that the ads were so terrible that the event itself has simply become a festival of entertainment. And it is excellent entertainment.
fact is that the winners definitely earned yourself to your Chamlety. And if you agree with the statement of prof. Grazyna Habrajskiej that many of them are sexist advertising of hooligans - the more there are also some controversial appointments.
nomination is controversial and gypsum plasters for me for one reason. I remember how the wave of fashion for billboards tesearowe appeared that one right away. In the first phase was a woman and password, the second product is reached. And I remember that it was the first teaser, which I guessed the idea. And just those feelings of pride and satisfaction that makes this appointment was controversial for me.
But not like this product:
Action Axe has been thrown into a sack with campaigns like "I'll do you good ... advertising." Verbatim out of place.
First Axe campaign was very well done, broad channels, many people zamawiało klikery, aroused interest. Secondly - Axe ad is so well conceived, that 'sexist' association may induce those who want to see it so.
Not to mention the fact that there is a clear difference between suggesting that the ugly woman from the banner will make someone a blowjob and done with style and taste Axe advertising. Dear Jury, I propose to look at the whole campaign and see that the click is not "fuck" of a bride, only filrt or receive signals of interest from women.
Apart from the horrible side visual advertising on the right. Axe Nominated for well over a word and exaggerated. I have a feeling that the jury made up of sexism oversensitive after all these koszmarkach, which previously saw.
But television advertising and socio-political is a completely different story. Militaria.pl old ad (the legitimate winner in the category of tv) I will not paste, because I feel embarrassed every time I watch it. However, the "New Stadium Legion" with Strejlauem is wonderful:
And in the case of socio-political advertising. Oh, Mr. Grzegorz Napieralski should be in this room and see the audience reaction to his spot in the election campaign for the presidency. It also shows that they should see the people who did it. Quite frankly, it's more in this context, the word I associate prof. Dolińskiego: "Baseball in Poland did not accept, for it has indeed baseball bats."
A gorgeous belly at the end worthwhile. What's interesting - in the White Slope will try to find similarities between the new logo on their city and that is advertising. Well, the belly of the mountain ...
care about is one thing. On the Chamletach Great Western years may be too tight ... Little
Congratulations to all the team again.
------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------
------ The winners in each category are:
Print Advertising: Skateboarding is a crime
Outdoor Advertising: Curd OSM
Television Advertising: Militaria.pl
Socio-Political Advertising: Electoral Committee Grzegorz Napieralski
Program Communication Design: Sides worthwhile
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