Sunday, November 14, 2010

Recipe Bridal Shower Invitations

Outline positivist thought in the world

According to Ouspensky positivism is more black period in the history of human thought. Innocuous detail is lost in not irrelevant. The example he gives is as follows: for the positivist thought the birds sing, because that song attracts females and thus reproduce sexually. When perhaps the very reason for existence is to reproduce and to beautify the earth with his singing. According "The Arqueometre" de Saint-Yves d'Alveydre L a pagan education is not a casual thing, but there are beings, negative powers are behind it. Swedenborg, c ited by Borges, treated as if nothing stories of Heaven and Hell, angels and demons, ups and downs of the soul as true things. My novel is not for nothing again. Even lies within the fiction, not as Ouspensky or Saint-Yves. Indians see the charms and ichiqolqos like that, as real as the table and bread. The only thing that has helped me to write this novel is to discover all this little by little. Like García Márquez when he learned that a man-tailed iguana in Barranquilla. Much more fiction you create, the more he realizes that it is more real than I thought. So anyone trying to keep the concept of what is "real" only to their culture or official culture which aims to be a part, put blinders voluntarily. Who want to break or overcome their cultural, social, etc., Has to break all these atavistic, that whole way of seeing the world that we tried to instill an early age. But will continue as the demons of the novel, thinking ourselves all that demonic conceptualizes leadership to conquer the world.

not know yet how to formulate, but social sciences do not amount to anything either in this country or worldwide, while not consider all the elements of the culture studied as real, in the true sense of the word as the table and bread. While it is considered that the ichiqolqo is a belief, a suggestion or God knows that, because I do not see it and see a thousand Indians, not amount to anything. Even the English were more respectful of that, because they believed that the Indians were talking with the devil. Be negative on another, but placed it in the real. Not like now it is considered that the Indian is like a child who does not know what he sees, or what it says. No book I've read so far deals with the problem head on. All I elude, evade it, even Dumézil or Nathan Wachtel. They talk about how important is the symbolism and not the real thing, not what has really happened or not. Szeminski may be the only one free, fairer and more respectful, but that's his way of being up in the everyday. And I think that if important fact. I think considering only real is upgraded vexed culture for so many centuries. Do not elude him. I would rephrase this in a language more theoretical and affordable, but still do not know how.

Lima, July 17, 1985


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