Thursday, March 10, 2011

Puter Rowerowy Shark Instrukcja

Famous people read to children

The realization of our Task Comenius Art read - might create " invited to a special guest in our class - the actress Jewish Theatre in Warsaw, Ms. Monika Chrząstowska . Monika has accepted the invitation, and we visited with great pleasure Ms. us.
adventure began with tales from the stories: "Three Little Pigs," "Tales of the Fisherman and the golden rybce" and legends Fri "Wars and Sawa . Veronica then read a fairy tale of Patrick Fri "Thumbelina" . Next on the agenda was a joint recitation of poems "Locomotive" and "elephant Trąbalski" . Some children were prepared for the declamation contest poems and presented them to willing guest.

In the last part of the meeting, children were able to demonstrate their skills under the direction of actors and director - Ms Monica - zainscenizowały poems "Tomato" and "At the stall," .
Our kids gave their all and the last production was a real actor's performance.
advantage of this special occasion kids were asking for an autograph, and inscribed them with Ms Monika short poems.
At the end of a beautifully thanked for his visit, a delegation of students presented the flowers and the memorial guest book, in which each a card that was beautifully decorated heart of every child.

We were all impressed by the meeting with this lovely person. It was a remarkable day and a very nice meeting. This guy was a real treat for us.
fabulous meeting

We thank Mrs. Monica Chrząstowskiej a visit to our classroom, and a beautiful reading of fairy tales, as well as mom Natalka - Mrs. Elvira Kopacz, who made this visit has come to fruition. We hope for more such meetings.


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